Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Progressive Webquest 9.26.12

You will be answering 16 questions on a Progressive webquest.

Turn in by the end of the hour.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Food Inc. Journal, 9.25.12

We have finished Food Inc. today.  You will analyze the contents of the movie in a journal entry.  You will be reading two critiques of the movie - one from the New York Times and one from Time. 

Write your journal entry on pages 22 & 23 of your packet.

If you have not turned in your urban sketchbook or completed Unit 1B Discussion Forum on moodle.  Please do so and turn in asap! Thanks!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Urban sketchbook, 9.17.12

Happy Monday!

1) Reading quiz # 1 - Chapter 14.2
2) Students will be working in small groups today to complete an Urban Sketchbook that would include drawings and political cartoons over the following topics:
a. Problems in an American City, 1900
b. Problems in the Industrial Age from a Populist Perspective
c. Problem facing our nation today, 2012

Beside working in collaborative groups, students will recall information from their reading and gain new perspectives on a group of early reformers, the Populists.

Students will consult pages 12 - 17 in their packets.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Are you a captain or a robber baron? 9.13.12

You will be reading 6 stories today on 19th century businessmen.  After reading their life stories you will decide if each man was: 1) a captain or a 2) robber baron

On page 8 you will name each businessman and explain what you called him that name.  Due at the end of the hour. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Labor Unions 9.12.12

Labor Unions Lecture
We worked on taking notes in our packet on page 9. 

Homework due Friday - Moodle discussion forum Unit IB and Virtual Invention Chart - upload to moodle. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Industrial Age 9.11.12

Today we are beginning our work in our Unit 1B packets.  We will specifically explore this essential question:
"How did the United States transform from a largely agrarian economy to a leading industrial power near the end of the 19th century?"

We completed all of page 6 in our packet.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Virtual Inventions, 9.10

Visit our class moodle page today to complete our assignment.

1) You will open the document Virtual Inventions Tour and follow the instructions about what to research.
2) When  you have completed the assignment turn in this assignment titled Virtual Chart on moodle.

For Homework - You have a discussion forum due on Friday morning by 7 am your posts must be complete. Read the 2nd Industrial Revolution to help you with this discussion.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Virtual Time capsule & You! 9.4.12

Go to TAGXEDO to create a collage of words to describe yourself.  If there is a picture that you can upload either of yourself or a picture that would describe you best please upload the photo then add the words that describe your personality.  To add the words you will click LOAD. Use at least 15 words to describe yourself.  Keep this - you will turn this in on Wednesday.

On your index card you will find a key term that you MUST research and find out the following: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY AND HOW.   Explain this key term in specific detail.  Write down the information on your index card and turn this in by the end of the hour.

This school year we will be creating a virtual time capsule.  Sign up for free at TIME CAPSULE
You can begin uploading pictures and adding information about yourself.  A suggestion is to create a page that includes all your bibliographical information and your answers to the following questions:

What is your favorite hobby?
Who is your best friend?
What do you want to be?
What is your greatest achievement?
How do you want to be remembered?