Monday, March 31, 2014


We discussed our wonderful experiences with World War II at History Alive on Friday.

Students began watching The Century documentary on "Civilians at War".

Upcoming test on World War I & World War II is Wednesday, April 9th.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Civil Rights Power Point Notes

Here is the link for the Civil Rights lecture:

If you have trouble with the link, please use the Google Community to access the power point.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

African American Unit Syllabus

African American Unit Syllabus
11/11—Native American Unit Test
11/12—Google Community; Introduction; Middle Passage
11/13—Middle Passage (early release)
11/14—Slavery in the Chesapeake Station Activity                               
11/15—Slavery Perspectives

11/18—Abolition Movement Storyboard; Reading Packet              
11/19—Abolition Movement Storyboard                                                                   
11/20—Abolition Movement Storyboard                                                 
11/21—Causes of the Civil War Graphic Organizer                          
11/22—The Emancipation Proclamation  

11/25—Civil War Events

12/2—Recap; Effects of the Civil Wars 
12/3— Reconstruction DBQ
12/4—Reconstruction DBQ
12/5—Jim Crow era laws
12/6—WEB DuBois v. Booker T. Washington

12/9—African Americans in the 1920s  
12/10—The Civil Rights Movement                                          
12/11—The Civil Rights Movement
12/12—The Civil Rights Movement
12/13—The African American Experience Today

12/17—Review; Final 6
12/18—Finals 3,4
12/19—Finals 2,5
12/20—Finals 1,7

Reading Quiz: 11/18
Abolition Storyboard: 11/21
Map Skills: 11/21
Flipped Classroom notes: 11/21
Reconstruction DBQ: 12/10

**Schedule might alter slightly; additional due dates might occur. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Government Policy toward Native Americans

Students did a great job reviewing the five major government policies the United States government put into place over the years regarding Native Americans. This was a great preparation for the upcoming test on Monday 11/11/13.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Native American Unit Project FAQs

Below you will find some helpful hints to help you with your project. I have also posted pictures of the original assignment sheet along with the rubrics for each type of project. Please email Miss Tripolitis this weekend if you have any questions. 

DUE DATE: 11/7/13 (aka next Thursday)

Project Check Points
1.     Am I following the requirements of the rubric?
2.     Have I been taking notes to turn in with my project?
3.     Do I have three sources, one of which is a non-Internet source?
- - Are my sources cited in MLA format?
4.     Ask yourself the question, “If I gave this presentation to someone who knew nothing about this subject before my presentation, will they understand my topic? Would they be able to explain it to someone else?”
5.     Be creative!

Artwork Requirements
1.     5 (or 10) slides of a power point—follow power point rubric
2.     1.5 (or 3) page paper—follow paper rubric
3.     Creative and visually effective piece of work that someone could look at and walk away with substantial knowledge about your topic.
4.     Must show effort
5.     Must be neat
6.     Must look like an 11th grader made it (versus a 5th grader)
7.     Must work together with either the power point or paper to provide the same quality and quantity of information that the other projects will.